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Installation Guidelines

The recommended way to work on NITCbase is using a dedicated docker container. Docker allows us to maintain a consistent experience across all the Linux distributions and versions of core utilities you might have installed.

A manual setup guide is also provided, but it is not officially supported and can be followed at your own discretion.

Install and setup Docker on host machine

Follow the instructions available here to install docker on your machine. You could also go through the Docker quick start quide to know more about Docker. It would also be wise to refer to the post-installation steps for Linux installations.


The following has not been tested on Windows. If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions, raise an issue here

Setting up the container

We'll assume the following directory structure

├── Dockerfile
└── NITCbase/ # <- files will be stored here and mapped to container

We'll store all the required files in NITCbase and map the same into the container.

We can create the structure using the below commands

cd <your directory>
touch Dockerfile
mkdir NITCbase

The contents of Dockerfile are given below

fetching from ...

The given Dockerfile will setup the NITCbase environment.

Building the container image

We'll now build the container image using the Dockerfile

docker build -t nitcbase:ubuntu20.04 .

If you run into permission errors, refer to the post-installation steps linked above.

Start the container instance

We'll start an instance of the container and map the local folder NITCbase into /home/nitcbase/NITCbase directory of the container.

docker run -v $PWD/NITCbase:/home/nitcbase/NITCbase -d --name nitcbase -i nitcbase:ubuntu20.04

We now have a container instance running in background with the name nitcbase and required volume mounts

Connecting to the container

We can connect to the container instance using the following commands. These are the only commands you will need to connect to the container going forward.

docker start nitcbase # if the container instance is not already running

docker exec -it nitcbase /bin/bash # to get a bash shell inside the container

Running the setup script

Connect to the container instance as mentioned earlier.

Run the following commands in the terminal connected to the container.

cd /home/nitcbase

Files and Directories

When the setup is done, the following directories should be present in your NITCbase folder.

├── Disk
├── XFS_Interface
├── Files
│   ├── Batch_Execution_Files
│   ├── Input_Files
│   └── Output_Files
└── mynitcbase
├── define
   ├── Disk_Class
   ├── Buffer
   ├── Cache
   ├── BPlusTree
   ├── Schema
   ├── Algebra
   ├── Frontend
   ├── FrontendInterface

Notable directories / files include:

  • Disk/ : contains the disk binary file on which NITCbase Disk is simulated.
  • XFS_Interface/ : Contains the source files for the xfs interface. Once built succesfully, the xfs-interface executable will be present here.
  • mynitcbase : This is the folder where you'll be working in to implement all the layers of NITCbase. The corresponding folders should be present inside (as described above).
  • mynitcbase/Disk_Class/ : contains the Disk.cpp file which encompasses the Disk Class described in the Physical Layer. This class has already been implemented for you. All disk operations(read & write) should only be done using the Disk Class.
  • mynitcbase/FrontendInterface : The frontend interface is responsible for receiving commands from the user (from the NITCbase prompt on the UNIX system) and calling the appropriate method in the Frontend class. This class too has been provided to you. Your task will be to implement the lower layers of NITCbase which will encompass the core functionality of our DBMS.
  • mynitcbase/define/ : contains the global constants.
  • Files/: This directory will store the external files that will be used/generated by NITCbase and the XFS interface during it's runtime (refer external filesystem commands and utliity commands for more information). Within this folder, three sub-directories can be found:
    • /Batch_Execution_Files - files taken as input by run command is organized and fetched from here (run files).
    • /Input_Files - Input data files for commands like import, insert from file etc. are organized and fetched from here.
    • /Output_Files - Output data files generated from dump and export are organized and placed here.

We can use sub-directories within /Files/Batch_Execution_Files to organize the run files. In that case, run folder_name/run_file format can be used.

Running the XFS Interface

Now that we have all the required files, we can initialise our disk using the XFS Interface and start working on NITCbase.

  1. Go to the XFS_Interface folder and run the following commands.
  1. You should now be inside the XFS interface prompt. We will run the fdisk command to create our disk.xfs file.
# fdisk

You should see the following.

# fdisk
Disk formatted
  1. Now that we have our disk file, we can exit the XFS interface by entering exit.
# exit

With that, you should be ready to start working on NITCbase. The further stages of the roadmap will introduce you to the usage of other XFS-Interface commands. You may now proceed to the roadmap. Good luck!